Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Ghana Men... you know the ones..

"Obruni koko, what is your name?
Are you from US? Germany?"
No, I'm from Canada, call me Abena
"Abena, all the beautiful girls, they come from Canada"

"Girl You shaped like a bottle of coke, I love your teasing bones"
Like coke? I'd be a hard habit to break... I know.
"Baby girl you got a phone?"

I got a phone. I'll give you my number, it's MTN
Call me sometime, maybe we can do lunch..

Then you'll take me home to meet your mom

"Ma this my wife
Ma this the girl who changed my life
I'm gonna buy a ring for her"

A ring?
Thanks, but you can put that on my middle finger

I'm flattered by your complements
But boy, dont touch me, let go of my fucking wrist
I dont need you to hold my hand
I have a boyfriend, a fiance and a husband.

"But you can still be my lover girl"
No. You have no chance in the world.
No chance in hell no chance on earth

I'd peel the skin off my own legs,
before i'd be your 'lover girl'
Just the though of all of that
makes my fingers want to curl
and clench my fists and...

Sorry! Are you bleeding? Poor baby.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So, our time in Otuam is soon coming to an end. By February 27, we'll be back on Canadian soil... I'm so so ecited to go back home... yet I dont want to leave this place... this amazing place. It's so nice to walk down the road or through the paths and see fammilliar faces, people who dont call me Obruni any more. "Abena!".. or... "Araba!"... or even "Janiii... atisaine?!"...:) 'E-ye'

it's going to be strange going back to Canada, especially for my first few weeks back i'll be in the city. From the bush in Ghana to the concrete jungle. The cold city streets are so far from anything i could even imagine. Not only the cold, but just.. back to the grids, to the world of squares and sharp corners. "How do i get to this place?" will have such a different kind of answer over there than it would here. "So, if you go up Maple street to the corner of George, there's a CIBC there. Turn right four blocks and you'll see it on the other side of the road" as opposed to "Ok, go down that path just off the Mosque, then you'll see the well... go left on that path thats more up the hill, past the pink house with the blue bird painted on. You know the one with the mango tree over there? There's usually an old man sitting on the bench, just keep going straight and you'll see my house"...

God I'll miss this place. I'm gonna miss walking by the well, greeting all the people collecting their daily water. I'll miss the puppies that live at the pink house, and the old man on the bench. I love Ghana.