Thursday, April 22, 2010

I am a flake, a poor, lost, confused little wanna-be birdie... help!!

the other day, i was talking to my dad about.. i dunno.. stuff.. we dont spend a lot of time together, only because we're always living in different places, so whenever we do finally get together we sort of 'catch up' on whats going on in our lives.

Then the subject of my future came up -as it usually does- and yea.. Those who really know me know that i'm a total flake. I have so many hopes and dreams and big ideas... I have so many opportunities and interests, and no focus.

Anyway, the conversation went like this:

Me: I want to learn to fly a plane. I wish more than anything i was born a bird, I want to be like Amelia Earhart.. i love Amelia Earhart.. I could get my private license in like a year at Cornwall.. but i dunno if i can live with KSB again right away.. it's not like i would become a pilot.. i just want to be able to fly a plane.. I also want to learn how to para sail.. you know, jump off cliffs with those giant kite wings.. I wish i could fly. But that's kind of unlikely right away.

Dad: well, KSB does offer the flying course at Cornwall.. but Air Inuit dosent need any new pilots right away, it would be hard for you to get a job

Me: I know, but like i said.. i wouldnt make it a career. i just wanna know how... that's probly not gonna happen right away tho. It depends on whether i renew my contract with NYHA.. if i do renew, i want to try to live in Montreal. I bet i could work from there since i travel a lot for work anyway.. there's no real need for me to be based here, it's almost not fair to all the other communities i supervise :P

Dad: When would you have to decide by?

Me: i want to move in like july if i do.. its 'moving season' right?.. but that's ONLY if i can renew my contract and live there too... i dont want to have to look for a different job. I would need a decent roommate too.. But I'm also seriously considering taking a midwifery course here. They have them in either POV, Inukjuak, Salluit and Kuujjuaq.. I would take it in Kuujjuaq or Inukjuak probably. Ajak said i can live with her in Kuujjuaq and have her car while im there.. Plus it would be cool to live in Kuujjuaq for a bit. I always thought it was cool that Anna was a midwife, plus so many of my friends have babies.. I'm just amazed by the human body, the female body! I feel like hospitals are a harsh environment to give birth in.. so impersonal and cold and rushed.. I think i would make a good midwife too..

Dad: that's cool that you're interested in midwifery, we definitely need more inuit midwives in Nunavik, especially on the Ungava side. It's amazing that [then he gave me some statistics about something, comparing the Hudson and Ungava hospitals on the maternity service they offer that i cant remember exactly and i dont want to misquote anyone] .. so something about only 20% of women on the Hudson coast had [that procedure where they cut to ease birth] compared to 80% on the Ungava coast. (or something like that)

Me: I'd also want to do a couple of contracts with Doctors Without Boarders as a midwife.. the website says they're always looking for midwives.. but the again, all i want to do is write. I want to take journalism in University.

Dad: then write!

Me: I do! dont you read my blog? i write a lot that i dont publish too.. it's pretty much all i do lately.. but if i were to take journalism, i would want to do it England!.. or something.. maybe Scandinavia?.. they have free university, but maybe i would rather live in an English speaking country to study journalism.. I'm already confused about languages in my head.. But KSB only funds school within Quebec and Canada.. I would need to find a way to finance it........................ I dunno!! I really dont know!!!

Dad: I wish i could have recorded this conversation. You just gave me like 4 completely different things you're interested in. you should take a career aptitude test

Me: But I KNOW what im interested in.. there's just so much that i cant focus on one thing

Dad: well, im glad you;re looking into different things, then you;ll eventually find the one you love...

And that, ladies and gentlemen is my dilemma.. I have no idea what to do with my life. I'm sorry to say too that this conversation outlines only a fraction of what i actually think about doing. If you have any advice at all.. any direction or suggestion you think i could use.. please dont hesitate to say it! I welcome (and actually kind of request) your input!

What should i DO?

1 comment:

  1. Thats a really hard one, but thats coming from a mother of two who just recently figured out what she wants to, do. I had the same dilemma, no joke. Could've would've, Should've but didn't. Still absolutely happy with my life. I think you should start with one thing at a time and then move on to the next. Prioritize then and start there. You have your whole life in front of you and if you want to learn and experience whole bunch of things, its possible!
    Jenn M
