So, there are currently 3 Canada World Youth groups in Ghana right now,
Ghana 1- Women's /exchange. Moncton/Otuam
Ghana 2- Mixed exchange. St. John's/Saltpond (?)
Ghana 3- Mixed exchange. Fredericton/Northern Region (i dont actually know the town)
Ghana 1 is my exchange, lucky, lucky (fuckmylife) me, I'm in an all women's program. Ihavent had a lot of contact with the other two exchanges, especially the Fredericton group, but throught the grapevine, I've heard that each of the groups has problems of their own. none of which i'm really going to talk about, because I'm not sure how reliable the grapevine is, and it would all be speculation. I just wanted to tell anyone from those groups what ours is like, and then you can decide how much your lives suck in compareison. Because as awesome as this experience is (omgitsfuckingamazing), its not without its challenges.
first off, we're all girls. 18 girls. 18 females, all living with eachother, forced to do activities together, building a micro-community together. It can be great, there's so much freedom and a level of comfort that you can only attain in a gender specific group. We have become so close to eachother that we can talk about anything, from sex and penis size, to heartbreak and grief, to diharrea and vomit. In fact, as a group (at least with the canadians) we've got a long running "Thats what she said" joke,and we giggle whenever someone says the words "big" 'hard' or 'juicy'..... you should see us compareing coconuts. lol...anyway, yea so we're tight. but you can imagine the drama and bullshit that comes from 18 super hormonal, estrogen rich, sex deprived, incredibly intelligent ladies. fake friends, talking behind your back, tired of seeing your face, god she's such a spaz, at least i'm not a whore, i hate how much she flirts, that dress is really short, she gave me dirty looks, i dont know why shes mad at me, does she have hickies?, shes such a mooch, can i borrow 1cedi? you owe me 5, she really gets on my nerves, fuck my life. fuck my godforsaken life. Thats our group, that's a large part of our experience with CWY. I'm not gonna lie, it fucking sucks sometimes... you know,when you reach the end of your rope and you just want to slap a bitch? At least one of us gets that feeling each day. but it's all's all cool... cuz somehow, through all the backstabbing, trash talking, gossip fuled days,at the end of the day, we are one big family. Each one of those 17 girls is my sister, and i've come to love her dearly. I go through days wishing i didnt have to see her face, but thinking about it, under what other circumstances would i have had the chance to meet this amazing young woman? and here, not only have we met, but we've cried, laughed, and lived together. We've seen eachother naked and not cared, we've talked about our deepest secerets, our seceret wishes and desires, we sit at the edge of the atlantic ocean, in a completely different world, we trust 100% the girls, even though its hard sometimes. This sisterhood is something that could never be created outside of a CWY context. As much as i whine and complain about this group, i seceretly love all of the girls from the bottom of my heart. I want to go home, to see my friends and family more than anything... but that only means seperating from these wonderful women, possibly never to see some of them again. Makes me want to cry just writing this.
Linda, Zarpa, Zankhna, Ania, Elisa, Laura, Jaz, Steph, Sheba, Grace, Anette, Vicky, Deborah, Bernice, Vivian, Patricia, Nomotey... <3 love love love. And Junie and Lydia too, awesome supervisors (even though we dont always see eye to eye).
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